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Oriental cockroach

Common Name:Oriental cockroach
Scientific Name:Blatta orientalis

Introduction:Oriental cockroaches are worldwide pests and are also common throughout Britain. They prefer to live in warm or heated buildings or structures but can tolerate cold conditions. They are primarily nocturnal and live both indoors and outdoors. Since the oriental cockroach can be found anywhere e.g. hospitals, restaurants etc, and cause damages to food and non food stuff such as (sterile hospital supplies, dry food product), there is almost a no tolerance for the presence of cockroaches within the British society.

Recognition: Adult male cockroaches are about 26 mm long whereas, females reach 32mm long; they are usually shiny black but may vary to dark reddish-brown. The male wings covers about three quarters of its abdomen. The female has much reduced wings which resemble nymphal wing pads. The nymphs have a similar colour to the adults.

Biology:Egg>Nymphs>Adults. The female lays up to 5 egg cases or "purse" (oothecae) of which each case contains 16 eggs. She will deposit the egg cases into a harbourage and when fully formed will hatch within 6- 12 weeks. They are either dropped or glued to a protected surface in a warm area near food and water source. The development time from egg to adult can take up to 6 -18 months depending on the temperature. Within this time the cockroach will undergo 7-10 moults in order to reach maturity. Oriental cockroaches can survive cold temperatures but will not breed below 10oc. Although they have wings, they prefer climbing rather than flying. Oriental cockroaches are known to carry some pathogenic bacteria; direct evidence for disease transmission to humans is scarce.

Habits: The oriental cockroaches survive quite well indoors and outdoors in places such as: hospitals, restaurants, laundries, prisons, homes, unoccupied buildings, ducting, basements, voids, cavity, drains, sewers, rubbish sites or tips, bathrooms, paving stones and kitchens. They usually enter buildings through cracks, open windows and doors, vents or air bricks, along utility pipes and drains. Indoors they are typically found in crawlspaces, cellars, basements, kitchens, bathrooms. They feed on all kinds of food and decaying organic matter, but prefer to feed on sugary, starch and protein rich foods. They are much despised of because of their strong odour.

Control:Oriental cockroaches are controlled professionally by using approved insecticide or integrated pest management (IPM). Seal gaps in foundation walls, garages, basements, around gas, water lines and waste pipes. Ensure garage and front doors in homes and buildings are fitted properly. Call us for London pest control.